March 18, 2015

Bookish Diary #1- Uninterested or Busy?

Hello Lovers,

       So today we gotta talk about when it is extremely difficult to get into a novel. Lol so this might seem weird to a my fellow bookworms but it also might be a very relatable thing too. I recently ordered a book online by one of my favorite authors by recommendation. Even though she is my favorite author, I have not read all her books, which again may seem weird to all my fellow book lovers. The book is called The King's General and it is by the author Daphne DuMaurier. If you arent sure who that is, she wrote Jamaica Inn (my all-time favorite novel) and she is also the mastermind behind Alfred Hitchcocks The Birds. Actually, Alfred Hitchcock covered a few of her works, the ladder, Rebecca and a horrendous version of Jamaica Inn.

Anyways, I am finding it extremely difficult getting into this novel for more than one reason. I think a big reason is that I actually have no time to read. I work so much and when Im not at work, I am running errands or catching up on housework. Sometimes I will schedule time to sit and read, but by the time its slot comes around, I am wiped out. Another reason may be this, the book is super thick and one problem I have with Daphnes works is the amount of description she uses. Oh my word! Sometime we can go a whole chapter of decribing how the waves of the sea crash together. Don't get me wrong but sometimes there is too much decription to handle. I can read a super exciting chapter filled with romantic dialogue and then BAM! We are back to the waves.

So tell me everyone, should I step away from this book for now and try picking it up again later or should I push through in hopes I will hit a point where I cant put it down?

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I have a book like that too. It can be difficult to plow through it. I suggest putting it down and trying again when you have more time.
